Saturday, November 14, 2009

Soft Grunge Jack Sparrow Sig Tutorial

Soft Grunge Jack Sparrow Sig Tutorial

Well it’s been a long time since I did a gfx tutorial but do a simple CS3 tutorial request for a sig and so I thought I do one especially on a good sig like this. Also a small notice this tutorial is designed around for those who have experience with some of the techniques used in this tutorial, but if you follow the directions correctly or close to it you should have same result either way.

Original image to be used

Sig After tutorial

Step #1:

Open a new layer 400x150 and fill it in with black

Step #2: Drag the photo stock of Jack Sparrow and then make 10 copies of that. Deselected all the
layers except for the first stock photo and then select your smudge tool and then select a brush and begin smudging that layer and keep the layer properties at default settings.

Step #3: Select your second jack sparrow stock layer and using the same brush to smudge again but this time smudge the outside border of jack sparrow and set it to overlay.

Step #4: Create a new layer (ctrl+n) and then grab your pain bucket tool and use this color #637b95 and then go to filters > render > lens flare and select the 50-300 mm zoom and then set it to about 150% and after that drag it to the lower left corner of the sig. Then set it to screen and opacity at 50% and you should have something like this.

Step #5: Create a new layer but this time you will go to image > apply image, in which you create a copy of all the layers you have done so far. Next go to filters > blur > motion blur and set the distance to 50-51 and then set that layer to overlay.

Step #6: Now go ahead select your next stock photo layer then go to filter > distort > glass and you want your settings as close to this

Distortion = 1
Smoothness = 14-16
Texture = Frosted
Scaling = 100%

then then set that layer to Linear dodge.

Step #7
: Grab your next stock layer and again using your smudge tool select the spatter brush and again smudge the outside of the stock one again and this time press ctrl + u and color the layer with a hue of red and a saturation of about 55-57 and then set that layer to screen.

Step #8: Create a new layer and select the gradient tool and use these two colors #71839e and #dcc1dd and then set it to soft light.

Step #9: Create a new layer apply image and set another motion blur using the same settings as previous motion blur and set that to soft light as well.

Step #10: Now for the fun stuff go to layer > new adjustment layer > brightness and contrast and use the following settings:

Brightness = -26
Contrast = +13

Step #11
: Create a new layer and fill it in black then go to filter > render > lens flare, but this time choose 105mm and set it at 150% and put it in the upper right corner and then set it to soft loft.

Step #12: Select your next photo stock layer but this time grab some grunge brushes and brush all over the layer and then set that to soft light as well.

Step #13: Create a new layer ad select the gradient tool once again but this time use the following colors #83ae0f and #eefa97 and set it to linear burn

Step #14
: Now create a new brightness and contrast adjustment layer but this time set it to the following:

Brightness: +16
Contrast: -22

Then set it to lighter color (this is a CS3 layer property and I completely forget if CS2 has it, so adjust that layer accordingly or drop it altogether).

Step #15: Select your next stock layer and once again smudge the outside using the spatter brush and then set to screen.

Step #16: Create a new layer fill it in with black then go to filter > render > lens flare > this time set the % between 90-95 to make it nice and small and then select 105 mm and put it in the upper left corner and set it to soft light.

Step #17: Select your next stock layer and then press ctrl+u and select a bright yellow (saturation 100) and set it to linear dodge.

Step #18: Create a new layer and fill it with the following color #5a6079 and set it to saturation.

Step #19: Create a New Adjustment layer and select gradient map and use the follow colors and settings

Then set that to soft light as well

Step #20: Here comes the tricky part after you create a new layer drag it underneath the layer from step 17 and then deselect everything above them. Then apply image and then ctrl + u and set the saturation to 0 to make it look grey and then darken it by setting the lightness between -11 and -15. Then reselect those layers again but this time drag that new layer you made on top of the gradient map layer and then set it to multiply.

Step #21: Create a new layer fill it with black and then go to filters > render > lens flare and select to point on the bottom left and upper right and make sure to use 105mm setting. Then set it to linear dodge and then opacity at 22%

Step #22: Now time to add some text so go ahead and write what every you want but for some cool effect transform it with the text going down the arm Then set the text layer to color dodge.

Step #23: Create a new layer and fill it with the following color #0974d8 and set the opacity to 24% and to soft light.

Step #24: Create another new layer and this time fill it with this color #b20909 and then set the


Opacity: 43%
Fill: 75%

Step #25: Create one more new layer press ctrl + a to select the whole layer then go to edit then to stroke and select 1px black border and you are done.